I hope you enjoy this little video, from the studio that produced "Spirited Away" this is a exert from
Mononoke a story about Ashitaka a warrior who sets out too find a cure for an evil curse. A truly magical little clip and accompanied by music from Royksopp who are one of my favorite bands, I do believe this the to be a perfect mash-up 10/10.
I need to thank Diore255 for posting this on YouTube, Also need to give credit to Renato for briging this clip to my attention
Frebro for helping me decide that this should be my next blog post... Cheers guys...keep marching on!
Thank you again! That was probably the best mashup I've seen. Love both Momonoke and Röyksopp.
Great mashup, loved it. How did you come across this? Is there a website dedicated to what people have done like this?
Szlampy I found it on Seesmic which is my new favorite place, basically its Twitter but with video. Share video and discuss things, cool once you get over the whole I am on video thing!
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