Wednesday 17 September 2008

Continuation of a theme!

I woke up this morning and realized I had spent the night dreaming about funny white humanoid characters, I think - induced by yesterdays late night blog post. Now these types of dreams are not a new thing, my dreams are usually very very surreal. Therefore because of this I quickly dismissed these thoughts and chose instead to go to work.

On route I decided to play a few songs on my Ipod,  and one song was by the amazing british band UNKLE. It was at this point that I remembered the video for "Eye for an Eye" which seem to match the content of my dream perfectly. Now this was either a case of synchronistic or my subconscious passing on some sort of message. 

Therfore because this revelation had bubbled its way from the depths of my mind it therefore seemed a waste use it for todays post, especially as it seems to fit well with the theme of the last post and in keeping with the overall persona I want this blog to have.


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